Royyet Padilla is the wife of a figure in the Philippines, the wife of Jane Shirley is Royyete Padilla, Padilla Royyet now a hot topic in southeast asia countries especially the Philippines, Royyet Padella in talking about because there is a case about abuse in the family, as reported being victims of abuse Royyet Padilla husband namely Royyet Padilla, it is directly in the response by the authorities in the country of the Philippines, it was reinforced with
There's a bruise on his right arm, shoulder, face and Jane Shirley Padilla, for allegedly beating his wife Royette Padilla.
Complaints of victims in Angeles City Police, allegedly beat her husband when he ayain go home after their child's birthday party at a bar at the Clark Freeport Zone.
"I invited him to go home ... but consumes more Royette said 'I'm a bucket," he said.
Shirley Jane allegations immediately turn to the police and arrested Royette.
Jhane Shirley Padilla but police dismissed the allegations against him, the present case was still in the process by the police,
Royette case alleges that violate the Violence Against Women Act. cases like this the most protected in the world especially in Asia, because of laws - laws like this violates kekeluargaan.kekerasan Rutao Gracie, Down with Love City