voice of france Flo and Jeremy , as the title suggests the voice of france Flo and Jeremy , this article describes the show voice France, as we know the voice talents France is an event capturing the sound, which is held every year in francis, especially paris. This opportunity will explain about the pursuit of Flo and Jeremy. Etrange revelation of the duo frero Delavega. Recently interviewed by Paris Match, the two young men said their participation in The Voice is a strategic move and their album is almost complete at that point.
the voice of france Flo and Jeremy , in his interview excerpt Flo and Jeremy announced in two voices: "The Voice is only one way to prepare for the arrival of our drive. album we made at 80%. program One, two, we do not matter, only our songs are important. We thought the promo. "when Mika claimed to hear their coach album when he listened to them sing, so it is appropriate. However, the duo tries to upset: "YouTube has become a real stepping stone."
Found in the third edition of The Voice, the duo frero Delavega unfortunately did not finish the adventure. But Jeremy's brother and Flo De Lavega, what is important is not the destination but the journey. While their first album leads the sales and that tour they played to a sold-out, two hunks in pop folk style only recognizes Paris Match that their participation in The Voice primarily strategic, original promotional operations. Fear and trembling, not Delavega frero that they become small manipulator?
the voice of france Flo and Jeremy , But then, their participation in The Voice does it play really fair compared to other candidates who do not have a lot of stuff? Both Girondins saw things differently: "If any of these emissions is expected, it is done, you should be prepared well in advance." Do they call the winner Kendji? We recall that at the time of his victory, the young gypsy raised controversy. Pretty face, yes, but nothing extraordinary talent. In May, one of them so it down to 20 minutes: "I do not know what prod 'make Kendji now, but I'm afraid it difficult for him in two months, when all will fall".
flo so attractive gait and jeremy to be discussed, hopefully the news excerpt the voice of france Flo and Jeremy helpful.